Conversion Calculators

To accurately work out carbon emissions, you need to convert energy consumption to the common unit (kWh).  Kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equal to 3600 kilojoules (3.6 megajoules). We have developed free online conversion calculators to convert units and volumes to kWh.  Just enter in your data, and we will automatically convert your consumption. Once you have the data, use our free online carbon emission calculator to calculate your businesses scope 1,2 & grey fleet emissions here.
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Gas kWh calculator

Use this calculator to convert meter readings (either from your bills or manual recordings) in to kWh.

What units does your meter read in?Can be found on the bill or the meter itself
ft3 Calculation: [(((field5*field7)*2.83)*field6)/3.6] kWh
m3 Calculation: [(((field4*field7)*1.0)*field6)/3.6] kWh
If you have more than one building, you can go back and re-enter consumption data and record your results here.Upon pressing submit, we will e-mail you a copy of the results (please note the data is not saved until you press submit
Building IdentifierkWh result
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Solid Fuel kWh calculator

Use this calculator to solid fuel delivered weight (tonne) to kWh

What type of solid fuel do you have?If you are unsure, check your delivery notes or contact your supplier
Biomass Wood Chips Calculation: [field4*3776.88] kWh
Biomass Wood Logs Calculation: [field22*4085.13] kWh
Biomass Wood Pellets Calculation: [field21*4679.43754]

Coal Calculation: [(field5*30.119)*277.78] kWh
If you have more than one building, you can go back and re-enter consumption data and record your results here.Upon pressing submit, we will e-mail you a copy of the results (please note the data is not saved until you press submit
Building IdentifierkWh result
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Liquid Fuel kWh calculator

Use this calculator to convert liquid fuel (litres consumed) in to kWh.

What type of Liquid fuel do you have?If you are unsure, check your delivery notes or contact your supplier
Burning Oil (Kerosene) Calculation: [field4*10.2935527] kWh (Gross)
Burning Oil (Kerosene) Calculation: [field4*9.779172281] kWh (Net)
Gas Oil (Red Diesel) Calculation: [field5*10.74251334] kWh (Gross)
Gas Oil (Red Diesel) Calculation: [field5*10.097994] kWh (Net)
LPG Calculation: [field18*7.259499277] kWh (Gross)
LPG Calculation: [field18*6.76084408] kWh (Net)
If you have more than one building, you can go back and re-enter consumption data and record your results here.Upon pressing submit, we will e-mail you a copy of the results (please note the data is not saved until you press submit
Building IdentifierkWh result