Carbon Calculator

1 Company Information
2 Transport: Cars
3 Transport: Vans
4 Transport: Grey Fleet
5 Transport: Other
6 Buildings
7 Processes
8 Fugitive Emissions
9 Results
Carbon Calculator
Company/Fleet Cars: What Transport Fuel Consumption data do you have?Ideally, we want litres consumed (list descends in order of preference). Please ensure you do not double account (i.e. provide both litres consumed and cost for the same fuel consumption). NB. If you have Red Diesel (Gas Oil) consumption, please provide in the tab 5.

Please divide the total amount paid by the average cost of fuel (split by fuel type if possible) over that year (see this will give you an approximate figure of the litres consumed.

What transport fuels have you consumed*Only include electric if it is supplied by a dedicated supply (metered or sub-metered). This will prevent double accounting
Cost Data: Are you able to split the amount claimed by each vehicle and identify the vehicle registration or MPG or kgCO2/km?
Cost Data: Ideally, the carbon emissions generated by each vehicle should be calculated based on the manufacturer’s MPG or emission data for each vehicle. This calculator cannot do this. If you would like us to calculate this for you, there will be an additional charge. Would you like to proceed and generate an approximate figure, or, add manual calculation data?
Are you able to split the miles travelled by fuel type?
Are you able to split the miles travelled by individual vehicles?
Are you able provide the registration, or, MPG, or gCO2/km of each vehicle?
Ideally, the carbon emissions generated by each vehicle should be calculated based on the manufacturer’s MPG or emission data for each vehicle. This calculator cannot do this. If you would like us to calculate this for you, there will be an additional charge. Would you like to proceed and generate an approximate figure, or, add manual calculation data?

Please enter ‘0’ in the box below and complete the form as normal, we will be in contact to arrange your manual calcualtion (an additional charge will apply).

Please divide the total amount paid by the amount paid per mile to obtain the mileage claimed (e.g. £10,000 spent by staff using petrol vehicles @ 45p/mile = 22,222 miles in petrol vehicles (10,000/0.45)

Do you know the engine size of each vehicle (small, medium, large is OK)
Select fuel typePlease ensure the next section of data you fill in is for the whole company, not indivdual cars
Select fuel type
Is it possible to split by individual vehicles?
Are you able to provide the registration of each vehicle?

Ideally, the carbon emissions generated by each vehicle should be calculated based on the manufacturer’s MPG or emission data for each vehicle. This calculator cannot do this. If you would like us to calculate this for you, there will be an additional charge. Please submit the form after you have filled in all other data and we will be in contact to quote for this additional work.

Would you like to estimate the GHG emissions based on average vehicle data?

Please submit the form as normal and we will be in touch to quote for the additional work.

Are you able to split by size of engine?Small, medium or large?
Transport: Vans: What transport consumption data do you have?Ideally, we want litres consumed (list descends in order of preference). Please ensure you do not double account (i.e. provide both litres consumed and cost for the same fuel consumption)

Please divide the total amount paid by the average cost of fuel (split by fuel type if possible) over that year (see this will give you an approximate figure of the litres consumed.

Vans: Are you able to provide the registration or MPG or gCO2/km of each vehicle?
Vans: What transport fuels have you consumed*Only include electric if it is supplied by a dedicated supply (metered or sub-metered). This will prevent double accounting

Please divide the total amount paid by the amount paid per mile to obtain the mileage claimed (e.g. £10,000 spent by staff using petrol vehicles @ 45p/mile = 22,222 miles in petrol vehicles (10,000/0.45)

Ideally, the carbon emissions generated by each vehicle should be calculated based on the manufacturer’s MPG or emission data for each vehicle. This calculator cannot do this. If you would like us to calculate this for you, there will be an additional charge. Please submit the form after you have filled in all other data and we will be in contact to quote for this additional work.

Vans: Would you like to estimate the GHG emissions based on average vehicle data?

Please submit the form as normal and we will be in contact to quote and arrange this.

Are you able to split the consumption by revenue weight of vehicles?Please group vehicles in to each weight category and provide the total miles travelled for each category.
Are you able to split the consumption by fuel type?
Please select applicable revenue weights
Class I: fuel typesup to 1.305 tonnes
Class II: fuel types1.305 to 1.74 tonnes
Class III: fuel types1.305 to 1.74 tonnes
Average Vehicle fuel types(up to 3.5 tonnes):

Grey fleet refers to vehicles that are personally owned by staff members which they use for business purposes and claim back the cost through the company. Please note, is does not include commuting.

Transport: Grey Fleet: Do you know the registration or MPG or kgCO2/km for each vehicle?

Ideally, the carbon emissions generated by each vehicle should be calculated based on the manufacturer’s MPG or emission data for each vehicle. This calculator cannot do this. If you would like us to calculate this for you, there will be an additional charge. Please submit the form after you have filled in all other data and we will be in contact to quote for this additional work.

Grey Fleet: Would you like to purchase the additional calculation (we will be in contact upon submission of the form)?
Grey Fleet: Are you able to split by fuel type?
Grey Fleet: Unknown Fuel:Are you able to group the vehicles by engine size?e.g. Small, medium, large
Grey Fleet: Known Fuel: Are you able to group the vehicles by engine size?e.g. Small, medium, large
Grey Fleet: (Known Engine Group) Please select fuel types
Grey Fleet: (Unknown Engine Group) Please select fuel types

Please divide the total amount paid by the amount paid per mile to obtain the mileage claimed (e.g. £10,000 spent by staff using petrol vehicles @ 45p/mile = 22,222 miles in petrol vehicles (10,000/0.45)

This section is for vehicle data that does not fall within the description of the previous vehicle tabs.

This inlcudes: Onsite Vehicles, Vehicles that consume Red Diesel & HGV’s.

On-site VehiclesThis refers to vehicles that are used onsite only, for example Forklift Trucks. Please enter the litres of fuel (or kWh if electric sub-metered). Important. If it is an electric sub-meter, ensure you subtract this figure from the total electricity figure you enter in the building data tab so you are not double accounting. If it is not sub-metered, do not enter it here and just enter a total figure in the building tab.

Red Diesel (aka Gas Oil):  This part is for vehicles that consume Red Diesel only e.g. farm machinery.  Do not enter non-vehicle Red Diesel consumption here (e.g. onsite generator – enter this in the building section).

We are only interested in the total Red Diesel consumption (litres).  Therefore, you do not need to split it by vehicle type.

If you have consumed Red Diesel over the assessment period, do you know the total amount in litres?If you have consumed Red Diesel but only know the distance travelled (you do not have litres consumed), please return to the car/van section and select the miles travelled option for the appropriate vehicle type and enter the data there.
HGV (commercial vehicles >3.5 tonnes):If you know the total litres of diesel that your HGV fleet has consumed, please select option 3 below and in the box that appears, enter the total consumption for your HGV fleet. If you do not know the litres of fuel consumed (e.g. only know miles travelled), or, your fleet runs on fuel other than diesel (e.g. 100% bio-diesel), this calculator is unable to calculate these HGV emissions, please select options 1 or 2 below.
BiodieselPlease select the type of biofuel you wish to report in your scope 1 emissions. If the fuel consumed is X% biodiesel and Y% normal diesel, multiply each fuel type by their percentage to calculate the litres of each type. Enter the biodiesel amount here, then add the remaining amount in the 100% mineral diesel box below.
Buildings: Select the energy sources you consume in your buildings (This includes energy used in processes (e.g. manufacturing a product)

**All Grid supplied electricity MUST be reported as if it is purchased on a standard energy tariff.  Therefore, still enter all your grid supplied electricity irrespective of what tariff it is on.  If you purchase electricity from a supplier that states it is from renewable sources e.g. 100% green energy tariff, then, on a voluntary basis you can dual report this.  This energy can only be reported if it is backed up by a REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) certificate.  Calculate the total figure of purchased REGO tariff electricity and enter it in the box below.  It is important that you do NOT deduct this figure from the grid supplied electricity total and you still provide ALL your total grid purchased electricity (in the Electricity (Grid Supplied) box).  It may appear double accounting, however, the software separates the values later on.    

^^Providing information about renewable electricity generated from renewable sources (e.g. solar panels) that you own or control is voluntary under SECR regulations.  It will be accounted for in your NET CO2e emissions.

It is important that the figures given below are in the unit kWh.  If you have meter readings/quantity delivered data, we have developed a calculator to help you convert consumption to kWh (click here to access).

Process Emissions: If your business generates process GHG emissions (i.e. you manufacture a product that during the process of manufacturing releases Green House Gases), it is unlikely that this calculator will be detailed enough for your needs.  If you would like us to get in contact to provide a bespoke quote to produce a report for your company, check the box below (and make sure you press submit on the last page of the form).  If you have calculated your process emissions, check the applicable box and enter the data.  Please leave blank if not applicable.

Please select

Fugitive Emissions: Fugitive emissions are sources of Green House Gases that escape from Air Conditioning and refrigeration equipment.  Click here to access the calculator we have developed to help you calculate your fugitive emissions.  When you have the results, please enter in the box below.  If you do not have refrigeration or AC equipment, please ignore this section.

Your carbon emissions are detailed below. There are  further actions to choose from (after selecting them, do not forget to press ‘submit’!). 

Select the first option if you would like our experts to validate the data entered and produce a fully complaint SECR report within 48 hours.  The cost of a fully validated SECR report starts at £550+VAT.  We will provide a quote and await acceptance before proceeding.  Please note, the results below are not on their own compliant with SECR. To see an example of the full SECR report results section, please click here.

Please select

In the check box below, please select the ‘Type of Control’ (consolidation approach) have you chosen. If your company is reporting according to more than one consolidation approach, please submit separate form entries for each route. 

Please click here for further information of what we mean by ‘consolidation approach’

Select Type of Control (consolidation approach)Most companies would select ‘Operational Control’ which means you are reporting the energy/carbon emissions for business assets/activities you control. Please call/email us if you would like to discuss what you should enter here.

Leased assets and operational boundaries:  You have selected ‘equity share’ or ‘financial control’ as the operational boundary.   This will likely affect how your direct or indirect emissions for leased assets are categorised.   

If you (the company) leases assets (buildings or vehicles) under an operating lease, and you have selected ‘equity share’ or ‘financial control’, the emissions associated with fuel combustion as well as with the use of purchased electricity should always be categorized as scope 3 (indirect).

This calculator is unable to automatically assign scope 3 emissions if you select ‘equity share’ or ‘financial control’.  It will assign the emissions using the ‘operational control’ approach.  If you decide to purchase an SECR report at the end of this calculator, we will get in contact to determine which scope the emissions should be categorised in.   

Are you a Quoted company?A quoted company is defined in section 385(2) of the Companies Act 2006 as a company that is UK incorporated and whose equity share capital is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange UK or in an EEA State, or admitted to trading on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq.

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting regulations require that quoted companies provide additional Green House Gas emission information.  Upon submission of the form we will be in contact to clarify your company requirements and quote for the additional work.

Are you part of a corporate group?
Are you reporting individually or for the whole group?

SECR legislation requires that you compare your carbon emissions against an intensity metric relevant to your company.  For example, you could compare kgCO2e against m2 of office space occupied or turnover (£).  Once you have selected your metric, please write it in the box below including the units.  We will divide it by your emissions.  For example, if you are using office space occupied you would enter the total space occupied in all UK offices in m2.

If you do not want to fill this in at this moment, please leave blank and we will be in contact to gather the information when finalising your report.

SECR legislation requires that you (the company) detail the energy efficiency actions you have undertaken over the past financial year.  Please list them in the box(s) below.  Again, you can leave this blank and we will be in contact to gather the information when completing your report.

SECR Report1540
Annual Charge $xxx

Scope 1

Process Emissions:[Field316*1] kgCO2e 

Fugitive Emissions:[Field318*1] kgCO2e 

Gas (Natural):[Field285*0.18385] kgCO2e 

Kerosene:[Field298*0.24675] kgCO2e 

LPG:[Field299*0.18443] kgCO2e 

Gas Oil (Red Diesel):[Field300*0.25676] kgCO2e 

Coal (Domestic):[Field301*0.34473] kgCO2e 

Biomass (Pellets/Chips/Logs):[Field302*0.01563] kgCO2e 

Biomass (Chips):[Field329*0.01563] kgCO2e 

Biomass (Pellets):[Field330*0.01563] kgCO2e 

Diesel Large Company/Fleet Car: [field44*0.33713] kgCO2e
Vans: LPG: [Field132*0.21447] kgCO2e 

Vans: Petrol: [Field131*2.20904] kgCO2e 
Unknown Fuel, Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field113*0.29082] kgCO2e
Vans: Diesel: [Field130*2.59411] kgCO2e 
Average Company/Fleet Car (Unknown Fuel): [Field100*0.28502] kgCO2e
Unknown Fuel, Small Company/Fleet Car: [field111*0.24072] kgCO2e
Company/Fleet cars: Diesel: [Field1*2.59411] kgCO2e 

Company/Fleet cars: Unknown Fuel: [((Field202* 2.59411)*0.6)+((Field202* 2.20904)*0.4)] kgCO2e
Company/Fleet cars: Red Diesel: [Field6*2.59411] kgCO2e 

Company/Fleet cars: Petrol: [Field3*2.20904] kgCO2e 
LPG Small Company/Fleet Car : [field64*0.29073] kgCO2e
Company/Fleet cars: LPG: [Field4*0.21447] kgCO2e 
Petrol Large Company/Fleet Car: [field42*0.45536] kgCO2e
Petrol Small Company/Fleet Car: [field40*0.24736] kgCO2e
Petrol Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field41*0.30945] kgCO2e
LPG Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field65*0.29073] kgCO2e
Diesel Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field45*0.27459] kgCO2e
Hybrid Large Company/Fleet Car: [field 54*0.21207] kgCO2e
Hybrid Small Company/Fleet Car: [field52*0.1693] kgCO2e
LPG Large Company/Fleet Car  [field66*0.42794] kgCO2e
Petrol Average Company/Fleet Car: [field88*0.27901] kgCO2e
Diesel Average Company/Fleet Car: [field89*0.29103] kgCO2e
LPG Average Company/Fleet Car: [field90*0.32027] kgCO2e
Hybrid Average Company/Fleet Car: [field91*0.18464] kgCO2e
Hybrid Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field53*0.17534] kgCO2e
Vans: Class I Diesel: [(Field142*0.621371)*0.14955] kgCO2e 

Vans: Diesel (Class II): [(Field152*0.621371)*0.19455] kgCO2e 

Vans: Class I Petrol: [(Field144*0.621371)*0.23741] kgCO2e 

Average Van (LPG): [(Field175*0.621371)*0.27244] kgCO2e 

Average Van (Unknown Fuel Type): [(Field178*0.621371)*0.25162] kgCO2e 

Average Van (Diesel): [(Field168*0.621371)*0.25213] kgCO2e 

Vans: Petrol  (Class III): [(Field163*0.621371)*0.3846] kgCO2e 

Average Van(Petrol): [(Field172*0.621371)*0.23645] kgCO2e 

Vans: Diesel (Class III): [(Field162*0.621371)*0.27777] kgCO2e 

Vans: Petrol  (Class II): [(Field153*0.621371)*0.22833] kgCO2e 

Diesel Small Company/Fleet Car: [field43*0.22868] kgCO2e
Unknown Fuel, Large Company/Fleet Car: [field112*0.36785] kgCO2e
Plug-in Hybrid Average Company/Fleet Car: [field92*0.11386] kgCO2e
Plug-in Hybrid Small Company/Fleet Car: [field57*0.04723] kgCO2e
Plug-in Hybrid Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field58*0.11399] kgCO2e
Plug-in Hybrid Large Company/Fleet Car: [field 59*0.12442] kgCO2e
Red Diesel (Gas Oil): [field 356*2.75776] kgCO2e
HGV Diesel: [field 365*2.54603] kgCO2e
Onsite Vehicles Diesel (Litres): [field 360*2.54603] kgCO2e
Onsite Vehicles Petrol (Litres): [field 361*2.16802] kgCO2e
Onsite Vehicles LPG (Litres): [field 363*1.55537] kgCO2e
Biodiesel – Cooking Oil (Litres): [field 381*0.1658] kgCO2e
Biodiesel (Litres): [field 380*0.1658] kgCO2e
Bioethanol (Litres): [field 382*0.00837] kgCO2e
Mineral Diesel (Litres): [field 386*2.68787] kgCO2e
Fuel Oil: [field 388*0.28527] kgCO2e
(NET CO2e Calc Only) Renewable Tariff: -[field 372*0.23314] kgCO2e
(NET CO2e Calc Only) Consumed Onsite Renewable Energy: -[field 374*0.23314] kgCO2e
(NET CO2e Calc Only) Exported offsite Renewable Energy: -[field 375*0.23314] kgCO2e

Scope 2

Onsite Vehicles Electricity (sub-meter): [field 362*0.23314] kgCO2e
Company/Fleet cars: Electricity (Grid Supplied): [Field5*0.23314] kgCO2e 
Vans: Electricity (Grid Supplied): [Field133*0.2556] kgCO2e 

BEV Average Company/Fleet Car: [field93*0.09688] kgCO2e
BEV Small Company/Fleet Car: [field61*0.07975] kgCO2e
BEV Medium Company/Fleet Car: [field62*0.09282] kgCO2e
BEV Large Company/Fleet Car: [field 63*0.11677] kgCO2e
Average Van (BEV): [(Field171*0.621371)*0.06285] kgCO2e 

Vans: BEV (Class I): [(Field145*0.621371)*0.04598] kgCO2e 

Vans: BEV (Class II): [(Field154*0.621371)*0.06275] kgCO2e 

Vans: BEV (Class III): [(Field164*0.621371)*0.09141] kgCO2e 

Electricity (Grid Supplied):[Field297*0.23314] kgCO2e 

Scope 3

Grey Fleet: Unknown Car (unknown fuel): [field217*0.28502] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown Car (unknown fuel): [field327] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Petrol: Small Car: [field229*0.24736] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Petrol: Medium Car: [field235*0.30945] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Petrol: Large Car: [field234*0.45536] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Hybrid: Medium Car: [field246*0.17534] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Hybrid: Small Car: [field245*0.1693] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown BEV Car: [field270*0.09688] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown Hybrid Car: [field268*0.18464] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown Plug-in Hybrid Car: [field269*0.18559] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown LPG Car: [field267*0.32027] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown Petrol Car: [field266*0.29103] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Unknown Diesel Car: [field265*0.27901] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: BEV: Large Car: [field260*0.11677] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: BEV: Medium Car: [field259*0.09282] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: BEV: Small Car: [field258*0.07975] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Plugin Hybrid: Large Car: [field331*0.20225] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Plugin Hybrid: Medium Car: [field253*0.17699] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Hybrid: Large Car: [field247*0.21207] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Plugin Hybrid: Small Car: [field252*0.11823] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: LPG: Small Car: [field239*0.29073] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: LPG: Medium Car: [field241*0.29073] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: LPG: Large Car: [field240*0.42794] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Diesel: Large Car: [field227*0.33713] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Diesel: Small Car: [field226*0.22868] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Diesel: Medium Car: [field228*0.27459] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Small Car (unknown fuel): [field214*0.24072] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Medium Car (Unknown Fuel): [field215*0.29082] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Large Car (Unknown Fuel): [field216*0.36785] kgCO2e
Grey Fleet: Known: [field327*1] kgCO2e